Lower Sixth Abbey College Cambridge student Agustin Lorusso Notaro Francesco from Uruguay has achieved the Roentgenium award in this year’s Cambridge Chemistry Challenge.
Find out about our Abbey College Cambridge A Level, International Foundation Programme and GCSE Student of Week winners from October and November of 2018.
Last week we held the first ever Abbey College Cambridge Year 12 Maths Team Challenge. The challenge gave students the opportunity to tackle a variety of engaging mathematical activities while developing teamwork and communication skills.
Congratulations to our Abbey College Cambridge ‘Students of the Week’ for February.
This week’s Abbey College Cambridge Student of the Week is first year GCSE student Omar Guluzade from Azerbaijan.
Ismi was nominated as Abbey College Cambridge Student of the Week for her excellent work ethic and attention to detail in extended writing tasks in Psychology
This week’s Abbey College Cambridge Student of the Week is Aizhan Akhmetova from Kazakhstan. Aizhan was nominated by Biology teacher Sephora Xuereb.
Congratulations to our Abbey College Cambridge Student of the Week Monique Mey from Cambodia. Monique was nominated by our Head of Humanities Alison MacDonald.
Congratulations to Sha Jiena (Iris) for being named as our Abbey College Cambridge Student of the Week. Iris was nominated by Physics teacher Ellen Slalow, and English teacher Candela Delgado Marin.
Congratulations to this week’s Abbey College Cambridge Student of the Week Myint San Chit Hnin (Demmy).