Abbey College Cambridge Main Entrance

Category: Competitions & Awards

Juan Francisco in top 100 from British Mathematical Olympiad

19th January 22

We have the results for the British Mathematical Olympiad Round 1 and are thrilled that Juan Francisco in Year 13 has been placed in the top 100 in the country and has been invited to participate in Round 2. On Thursday 2nd December four Abbey College Cambridge students sat the British Mathematical Olympiad Round One…

Dalial has competition success in promoting unity and tolerance

13th September 21

During the Summer Term, Abbey College Cambridge invited students to enter a competition run by the Charity Global Acts of Unity to promote unity, tolerance and understanding in schools. Unitees is the name of competition and it was a creative arts competition for young people in schools across England and Wales, tasked with expressing what…

Abbey Cambridge Students are Accounting Competition Finalists

25th May 21

We are thrilled that the Abbey College Cambridge Business and Accounting Team has been awarded one of the 24 places in the final of the Institute of Accountants BASE competition.  The competition is for 16-17 year old business and accounting students and offers an exciting experience where students take part in team challenges; giving them…

Triumph for Physics Students

22nd March 21

We are thrilled that all 14 of our entrants into the Senior Physics Challenge for Year 12 students and below received an award in the recent BhPO (British Physics)  Senior Physics Challenge.  This challenge is an exciting opportunity for students to stretch their problem solving skills and apply fundamental physical principles to novel situations. This…

Outstanding performance from budding Chemists in UK Olympiad

12th March 21

On Friday 22nd January, 17 chemistry students from Abbey College Cambridge sat the UK Chemistry Olympiad.  This competition is designed to challenge and inspire the top chemistry students aged 16 and over in UK sixth forms. This enriching experience is a unique opportunity for students to push themselves further and excel in the chemistry field….

Physics Olympiad Success

14th January 21

Abbey College Cambridge Students have achieved some amazing results in Round 1 of the British Physics Olympiad. This is a national competition and generally has approximately 2,000 entrants.  It is aimed at the most able Year 13 Physics students.  13 Abbey College Cambridge students sat the round one exam in November 2020, which is a…

Abbey College Cambridge Maths teams placed first and second in the UK in the Naboj

14th December 20

Four teams from Abbey College Cambridge are celebrating an impressive performance in this years’ Naboj Online International Maths competition. The Naboj is an international Mathematics competition organised by a group of European universities that include the Universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh and Glasgow from here in the UK. Teams consist of five students who compete against…

British Physics Olympiad Challenge Success

3rd November 20

Well done to the entrants of this year’s BPhO challenge.  Nine students sat the paper which is based on the common curriculum for Year 13 students. It is an introduction to problem solving for some students and it is designed to stretch thinking into the applications and ideas, preparing students for further work, or for…

Agustin is on top of the world after success in the International Chemistry Olympiad

31st July 20

Abbey College Cambridge student Agustin Lorusso Notaro Francesco has been celebrating after representing the UK team and achieving a gold award at this years’ International Chemistry Olympiad competition. The international Chemistry Olympiad is an annual competition for the world’s most talented chemistry students at secondary school level. This year 235 students from 60 countries took…

Find the golden eggs and win!

25th February 20

To celebrate the launch of our amazing new Abbey DLD college websites. We’ve hidden six golden eggs across all 3 sites. There are 2 eggs hidden in each site (Clue: you will find them in the bottom right hand corner of images!). Find all six sites and we’ll enter you into a…