Year 9

Our Year 9 programme has been designed to unlock a world of opportunities for younger students in preparation for their GCSE study.


Abbey College Cambridge provides a first-class British education in an international environment located in the heart of Cambridge. Year 9 provides students aged 13 years with the opportunity to study in our unique and inspiring school community, a place that is energised by a love of learning and the pursuit of outstanding academic achievement for all. Our Year 9 curriculum has been developed to provide the perfect preparation for not only GCSE study, but for A Levels, university and the wider globalised workplace environment.

About Abbey College Cambridge

Since its foundation in 1994, Abbey College Cambridge has developed a reputation for academic excellence. As one of Cambridge’s leading independent colleges, we are experts in teaching and supporting students, and we do so in a community that is energised by the love of learning. At Abbey College Cambridge, students make friends from all over the world, share unforgettable experiences, and go on to achieve amazing things together.

The diverse and international community allows class discussions to take a wider focus, providing students with a different view to many aspects of the world.  This allows our students to be truly global citizens.

Our academic record speaks for itself. Our ambitious students consistently outperform their expectations. Our students regularly win top awards in national and international Olympiads and competitions.  In 2023, 55% of our students achieved A*/A in their A level examinations and we expect 30% of our students to progress to G5 universities every year.

Abbey College Cambridge campus main courtyard

Why join Abbey College Cambridge for Year 9 and GCSE study?

A top performing non-selective school in the heart of Cambridge

Student And Teacher Working Together In Business Class

Our academic results are all the more impressive when you consider that we are non-selective. We have been consistently rated amongst the top-performing Cambridge independent schools, and as one of the very best schools in the country for students’ academic progression.

Our purpose-built campus provides the perfect study environment, light airy classrooms, with modern technology.  We find that we don’t need the acres of sports fields or grand music halls.  Cambridge itself can offer us everything we need.  Our students can benefit from the most amazing sports facilities within Cambridge. This allows us to offer a wide range of sports and allow students the choice as to which sports they wish to participate in.

At Abbey College Cambridge, every student can excel. Our Year 9 programme is designed to ensure students are not only learning core academic content, but in a way that will open their thinking and lead to a love of learning.


Join a diverse and multi-cultural learning community

Abbey College Cambridge Students And Teacher Interact During Maths Class

Abbey College Cambridge is home to a diverse and multicultural student community. We have over 450 students from over 40 nationalities.

While our Year 9 intake will be mainly students from in and around Cambridge, they will be immersed in this community, making friends, learning about different cultures, and studying alongside some of the world’s most talented students.


Focus on traditional subjects, taught in a modern environment

Abbey College Cambridge Students In Chemistry Laboratory

Our year 9 programme offers a broad and balanced curriculum with 15 core subjects including English, Mathematics, Computer Science, Art, and Physical Education. Student progress into year 10 well prepared to excel in their GCSE studies.

Our college environment is designed to be informal but supportive, with no uniforms required and teachers and students referring to each other on a first-name basis.

House System

Our Year 9 students will join one of our Abbey College Cambridge student houses. Abbey houses are all about pride, friendship, team spirit, and competition. The passion a student develops for their house is right at the core of our outstanding pastoral care. Students will meet with their tutor group and tutor every day and attend weekly house assemblies.


High quality careers and university preparation begins in Year 9

Abbey College Cambridge Student Being Interviewed At Graduation

We have ambitious plans for our Year 9 students, with critical thinking skills development and high-quality career and university preparation built into our Year 9 timetable. Abbey College Cambridge students always have an eye on the future!

Our location in Cambridge offers a wide range of opportunities for our students to take their learning outside of the classroom and take full advantage of everything that Cambridge has to offer, from the world-leading University of Cambridge to multinational companies.


8am – 6pm wrap around care and holiday provision

As a boarding school we have a thriving environment where students are cared for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including half terms and the Easter Holidays.

While our Year 9 students will be day students, they will still benefit from the care offered by our outstanding pastoral team.

Their school day can start at 8am by joining the boarders for breakfast, and supervised academic preparation and reflection sessions are offered after lessons, with a fun session being held on a Friday after school. A healthy and nutritious daily hot lunch will be included with Year 9 tuition fees.

Students are also able to stay for dinner at an additional cost.

Outside of term time, Year 9 students will be able to take advantage of development opportunities and activities. including cookery lessons, first aid classes, and local trips. Students will also be able to join in a large range of boarding activities.


Personalised extra-curricular programme

Abbey Cambridge has an extra-curricular programme with over 50 clubs and activities weekly. Wednesday afternoons are dedicated to enrichment. Enrichment is divided into six categories: Active, Community, Thinking, Science & Technology, Music and Creative Arts. Each Enrichment activity has outcomes which are specifically tailored to give students experiences they will treasure for the rest of their lives, but also, very importantly, experiences they can talk about at university or job interviews in the future.

There are also dedicated programmes for students wishing to progress to Oxbridge or competitive university courses such as medicine. Our medicine preparation programme with the provision of seven additional lessons a week is globally respected. The outcome – 100% medical offers year on year.

Our clubs and activities don’t stop for the holidays. The college is open to all during the half term and Easter holidays. Our dedicated staff arrange activities, trips, and courses to upskill our students and provide study support during these times with many boarders choosing to stay in Cambridge.


Year 9 curriculum

Students Working Together In The College Library

Our robust curriculum delivered by our high-calibre teachers allows our students to engage with their studies effectively. Students appreciate the small classes and supportive environment and feel comfortable to be able to ask questions and participate in class discussions. The positive and collaborative study environment encourages students to support and help one another. Students benefit from the fact that everyone wants to learn and succeed.

Our year 9 curriculum offers a broad range of traditional and highly valued subjects, designed to provide the best platform for success in GCSE and A-Levels.

Year 9 Core Subjects

  • Art
  • Biology
  • Business Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Economics
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Modern Foreign Languages (French & Spanish)
  • Physical Education (PE)
  • Physics

Year 9 Sample Timetable

Year 9 Sample Timetable

Our year 9 programme operates on a bi-weekly timetable with lessons spread across a two-week teaching block. Here is a sample timetable for our year 9 students:

Week 1

Period Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9am – 9.20am Personal Tutor Registration Personal Tutor Registration Personal Tutor Registration Personal Tutor Registration Personal Tutor Registration
Period 1

9.25am – 10.15 am

Biology History Physical Education Biology Geography
Period 2

10.20am – 11.10am

Biology Physics Physical Education English Language History
11.10am – 11.30am Break Break Break Break Break
Period 3

11.30am – 12.20pm

Mathematics Chemistry English Language Geography Physics
Period 4

12.20pm – 1.10pm

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
Period 5

1.10pm – 2pm

Mathematics Chemistry English Language History Physics
Period 6

2.05pm – 2.55pm

English Literature English Literature Enrichment Physical Education Mathematics
Period 7

3pm – 3.50pm

Geography Modern Foreign Languages Physical Education Chemistry
Period 8

3.55pm – 4.45pm

Lower School Careers
Period 9

4.50pm – 5.30pm

Week 2

Period Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9am – 9.20am Personal Tutor Registration Personal Tutor Registration Personal Tutor Registration Personal Tutor Registration Personal Tutor Registration
Period 1

9.25am – 10.15 am

PSHEE English Language Computer Science Physics Mathematics
Period 2

10.20am – 11.10am

Economics English Language Computer Science Physics Modern Foreign Languages
11.10am – 11.30am Break Break Break Break Break
Period 3

11.30am – 12.20pm

Mathematics Chemistry English Language Economics Physics
Period 4

12.20pm – 1.10pm

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
Period 5

1.10pm – 2pm

Mathematics Chemistry PSHEE Business Studies Art & Design
Period 6

2.05pm – 2.55pm

Biology Business Studies Enrichment Chemistry Economics
Period 7

3pm – 3.50pm

Biology Art & Design PSHEE Business Studies
Period 8

3.55pm – 4.45pm

Lower School Careers
Period 9

4.50pm – 5.30pm

These timetables are for illustrative purposes; actual timetable may differ.

After School Provision

Unless they have lessons, Year 9 students will have a break from 3.50pm to 4.10pm. Dinner will be served in the Abbey College Cambridge dining room from 4.10 – 5pm (additional charges apply). Supervised academic and prep activities will take place from 5pm to 6pm.

If they wish, Year 9 students will be able to attend Abbey Inspires academic evening activities which take place from Monday to Friday between 6.30pm and 8pm.

Additional Year 9 enrichment activities will take place on Wednesday evening and fun social activities for Year 9 students will take place on Friday evenings.


Application Process and Fees

All applicants will be required to submit their latest school report with their application.

They will then be invited to the college for an interview with the Principal, Dr Ellen Hesse.

Day fees will include lunch (with additional breakfast and dinner top-up options available).

The 2024/25 Year 9 fees for a student holding a UK passport are £9,567 a term.

For full fee details please visit our fees page

Generous scholarships for entry into Year 9 are available for local students.


Scholarship Information

There are a number of generous scholarships available and awards of up to 100% are available for candidates applying to join Year 9 that stand out at our assessment day.

For students interested in joining us in September 2025, our next scholarship assessment day will be on Monday 17th March 2025.

Scholarships are awarded in recognition of:

  • Academic ability
  • Teamwork
  • Critical thinking
  • Contribution to society

Applicants will spend a full day in college where they will work together in a number of activities.  They will also have an interview with the Principal and senior members of college staff.

We are now accepting applications for scholarships for entry in September 2025. The closing date will be 12th March 2025.

Further information can be found on our scholarships page.

To apply for a scholarship students must first apply to our year 9 programme.


Open Mornings and Visits

We invite families to come and visit us to learn more about our dynamic school and how we can offer your child a world of opportunities.

Book a Tour

We offer 13+ entry tours every Monday. Please contact us to arrange your visit.

Would you like to know more?

Please complete the form below and our College Admissions Team will be in touch.

Please read and accept our Privacy Notice  before submitting your details to us.

Abbey Cambridge
Join our Virtual Open Morning, 22nd April 2025

Abbey College Cambridge Virtual Open Morning, Tuesday 22nd April 2025

Tuesday 22nd April| Time: 10am BST