Abbey College Cambridge Main Entrance

University Destinations 2024 Update

21st August 24

Abbey College Cambridge students progress to all top 10 UK universities in 2024

Following on from A Level results day Abbey College Cambridge students are confirming places at a wide range of UK universities in 2024.

Oxbridge Success

Three students have confirmed their places at Oxbridge so far this year:

Abbey College Cambridge student Abril's confirmed place at the University of CambridgeAbbey College Cambridge student Joshua's place confirmed at the University of Oxford

Abbey College Cambridge student Richard's place confirmed at the University of Cambridge







Abril from the United States of America will be reading History at St John’s College, University of Cambridge.

Joshua from Hong Kong will be reading Earth Sciences at St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford.

Richard from China will be reading Engineering at Homerton College, Unversity of Cambridge.

Medicine Success

So far this year, 6 A Level students and 2 International Foundation Programme student have progressed to medical university programmes:

Student Name Course University Degree Programme
Han Thar A Level King’s College, University of London Medicine
Saule A Level University of Nicosia, Cyprus Medicine
Khin Myint Myat A Level Aston University, Birmingham Medicine
Rohan A Level University of Liverpool Medicine
Tsz Ching A Level University of Dundee Dentistry
Aung Kyaw A Level Brunel University London Medicine MBBS
Raj International Foundation Programme University of Galway, Ireland Medicine
Parmida International Foundation Programme University of Szeged, Hungary Dentistry


International Foundation Programme Destinations

Our International Foundation Programme students received their results earlier in the summer, so many have already confirmed their university places.

Around 60% of the confirmed places for our foundation students are at Russell Group universities, popular destinations for our foundation students this year include Queen Mary, University of London, the University of Manchester, and the University of Leeds.

International Foundation Programme, Russell Group university destinations:

King’s College, University of London
Queen Mary, University of London
University of Birmigham
University of Bristol
University of Exeter
University of Leeds
University of Manchester
University of Nottingham
University of Sheffield
University of Southampton

In the coming weeks, we expect our students to confirm more places at top-ranking universities in the UK and overseas.